Vice Chancellor (Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra)
University Model School was started with the idea that children must be given an environment that makes them want to come to school every day. The school which was founded in 1998 by Dr. Manjoor Ahmed, Honourable Vice Chancellor of the then Agra University to follow his personal principle of promoting individuality through Value based education which promotes a global outlook yet retains in intrinsic Indian cultural and traditions. His main motive to establish this school was to work for the all-round development of children of the workers of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra (formerly known as Agra University).
Mrs. Sneh Lata Kulshreshtha (Principal)
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
“Education is one of the most important means of empowering women. It’s not just a necessity; it’s a basic human right.”
University Model School has its own history harmoniously knitting together the social, cultural, religious, moral, ethical and civic values of justice peace, love, fellowship and the well-being of all.
University Model School stands as one of the most reputed schools in Agra. The school has made great difference in its qualitative journey over about 25 years.
University Model School takes into consideration the all-round growth of students that they excel in academics as well as co-curricular activities and become proud citizens of our society and Nation. Quality and value-based education promotes democratic ideals and respect for all cultures, religions, people and ideologies.
Being the Principal of University Model School Khandari Agra, I am filled with great excitement to enjoy the company of my dearly loved parents, students, learned and talented teachers who always keep me inspiring, supporting and encouraging at every step.
The success of University Model School is due to team work of our Management Committee, Principal, teachers, other staff members, students and parents.
On the whole, University Model School, Agra truly believes that, “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” On this note, I would like to appreciate every member who has contributed towards the growth and glory of this institution and wish all the very best for the upcoming endeavors.
“Work hard until the lamp light of your study table becomes the spotlight of the stage.” Sneh Lata Kulshreshtha
The School has been established and is run without any financial assistance from the government. It has been established with the generous help that we have received from prominent members of the UMS Society and continues to improve its services with the help of our benefactors. The setup of the school is as per the requirement of Central Board of Secondary Education. Therefore, we seek your kind cooperation and exhort you to join us in this great effort which will lead towards the building of a strong nation.
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Gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquetn auci elit cons solliazcitudirem sem quibibendum sem nibhutis.
School is Recognized by – CBSE, New Delhi
Status of Affiliation- General